CRM: Software as a Service versus On-premise - benefits and drawbacks

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    CRM: Software as a Service versus On-premise - benefits and drawbacks

    The purpose of this research work was to investigate how Software as a Service (SaaS) platform affects CRM system in CRM as a Service, by doing this, benefits and drawbacks of SaaS, which is collected from literature review and assumed to affect CRM on-demand solution, were evaluated. To explore each key benefits and drawbacks of SaaS, we have selected the interview as main investigation method. The investigation conducted with CRM experts from empirical world, each key benefits and drawbacks were explained briefly to participants and their agreement to the question were asked based on yes or no answer, including the explanation for their answer. Finally the result taken from benefits and drawbacks evaluation were analyzed and concluded to evaluate the CRM as a Service system. The results were validated for CRM as a Service with conducted online survey questionnaire with CRM stakeholders.
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    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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