Analysis of risk factors and biochemical markers for IHD

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    Analysis of risk factors and biochemical markers for IHD

    Different clinical characteristics and biochemical markers as risk factors for ischemic heart disease are studied. It has been shown that the systolic blood pressure, triglyceride levels, total cholesterol level and the diastolic blood pressure are most significant risk factors for myocardial infarction. An increased systolic blood pressure has a greater influence on the odds ratio for myocardial infarction for men. The diastolic blood pressure is second in significance risk factor only to men, while triglyceride levels are second in significance risk factor to women. The total cholesterol level is third in significance risk factor to women. The total cholesterol level and the HDL cholesterol are almost the same in significance risk factors to men. It is shown that the metabolic syndrome could be considered as a complex risk factor for coronary artery disease. The relationship between different clinical characteristics, biochemical markers and the metabolic syndrome is evaluated. The results of study show that hs-CRP, APO B, APO B/APO A1 ratio and LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio can be used as indicators of metabolic syndrome.
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    Scholar's Press
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