Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

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128,40 €
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    The main objective of writing this book on the subject 'Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics' is to present to the student-community of chemical engineering and allied discipline, a book which should contain a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter in simple, lucid and direct language and envelope a large number of solved problems properly graded, including typical examples, from examination point of view. The book consists of 20 (Twenty) chapters. All chapters of the book are saturated with much needed text supported by simple and aelf-explanatory figures and good number of worked out examples from various board examination. Each of chapters are loaded with chapter summary, objective type questions, theoretical questions and unsolved examples which will make the book more comprehensive and complete in all respect.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Scholar's Press
    ISBN / EAN
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