Commercialization of Underutilized Plants for Poverty Reduction

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    Commercialization of Underutilized Plants for Poverty Reduction

    There are only 150 crops out of 40,000 globally recorded with fully developed market chains on a global scale. Scientists have tended to focus on micronutrient content analysis of plants leaving value chains unstudied. In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is paucity of information regarding commercialization potential of most underutilized plants. In Uganda, little information exists on market chains and economic potential of traded underutilized plants. This information is, however, needed to enable investment in promotion of these species to enhance livelihoods. The overall aim of this study was therefore to analyse and characterize the value chains of selected underutilized plants for commercial viability.
  • Zusatzinformation

    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
    ISBN / EAN
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