ASRH among secondary school adolescents in Uganda

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    ASRH among secondary school adolescents in Uganda

    Adolescents in rural areas drop out of school due to menstruation as they lack sanitary pads which is complicated by the fact that very many of them engage in sexual activities with little or no knowledge about how to protect themselves against the risks of Sexual & Reproductive Health problems including STIs and unplanned pregnancy which can have long-lasting consequences into adulthood and subsequent generation. It is one of the very few studies that have assessed Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) among secondary school adolescents. It was a cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical component which described the ASRH burden, identified the utilisation practices of ASRH services, established the drivers/barriers to the utilisation of ASRH services and made recommendations regarding ASRH among adolescents in secondary schools. This book aims to guide ASRH policy makers, program managers and implementers, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, head teachers and teachers, health workers, social workers, parents and guardians of adolescents, adolescents, researchers, epidemiologists, politicians and the general public.
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    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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