Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels

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199,50 €
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels

    The Gospels continue to defy efforts to fix 'generic' boundaries for determining their meanings. This volume discloses new stirrings and sightings of broader, more heuristically promising literary, rhetorical, and cultural registers which intersect in ancient narrative . The contributors seek to build upon or vigorously critique current generic hypotheses (biography, history, tragedy); to introduce recent insights and developments in genre theory; to probe ancient reception of the Gospels as works of literature; and to illuminate the relations between the literary characteristics of the Gospels and methodological advances in narratology, social memory, intertextuality, and performance.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Mohr Siebeck
    ISBN / EAN
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