Canon as Rule and Guide

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184,10 €
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Canon as Rule and Guide

    The fifty-two essays collected here span half a century of biblical scholarship. Together they provide a view into the history of Old Testament studies from the vantage of a scholar who worked to integrate his command of it with several cognate disciplines, including New Testament, Biblical Theology, and the history of interpretation. Canon is a rule and guide: this is a ubiquitous concern in the work of Brevard Childs. As he argues, scripture has been shaped with frameworks for interpretation, guidelines built into it through a complex editorial process that resulted in a multifaceted canon with two Testaments. Scripture is a canon and rule of faith that in turn shapes the church's confession and life of faith. This approach to scripture entails a holistic view that touches the Bible's composition and reception histories as well as its enduring claim on living communities of faith.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Mohr Siebeck
    ISBN / EAN
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