Organic Chemistry

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183,90 €
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Organic Chemistry

    ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Ninth Edition, is revised to align with the way students approach complicated material. It includes pull-out organic chemistry reaction roadmaps organized by chapter to help you devise your own reaction pathways. Emphasizing practical how-to skills, the new edition is packed with problems, along with hundreds of detailed solutions to all in-chapter exercises to guide you through logical approaches to solving problems.New point-by-point summaries at the beginning of each section highlight important content in a way that is easy to review and reference, while in-margin definitions and highlighted integral concepts reinforce key content throughout the text. In the eBook and OWLv2 course, there are 100 author-created videos that explain and illustrate the most difficult concepts.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Cengage Learning EMEA
    ISBN / EAN
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