Understanding Management

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212,10 €
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Understanding Management

    Examine the issues impacting today's current, fast-shifting business environment and the necessary management solutions with Daft/Marcic's market-leading UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT, 12E. Even before recent upheavals, managers and organizations were buffeted by competitive, social, technological and economic change. Today's managers face more demands than ever before in the scramble to cope with the turbulence of recent events, ethical and social turmoil, mobile commerce, economic instability, globalization, cybersecurity threats, increasing government regulation and global supply chains. This edition helps you, as a future manager, find leading-edge solutions to significant problems -- whether everyday challenges or once-in-a-lifetime crises. Content extends beyond techniques traditionally taught to encompass a breadth of management skills and new competencies you can use to face today's issues. MindTap and Write Experience digital resources are also available to help you seize opportunity and lead change.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Cengage Learning EMEA
    ISBN / EAN
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