Pharmacognostical and Phytopharmacological Studies of Argyreia nervosa

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    Pharmacognostical and Phytopharmacological Studies of Argyreia nervosa

    Argyreia nervosa is belonging to family convolvulaceae, widely distributed along with east costal line of India and oftenly cultivated in tropical countries. Since ancient time this medicinal plant has been used in various ethno-medicinal preparations. Traditionally, it is used as an antibacterial, antifungal, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory etc. The present study was conducted to substantiate traditional and ethnobotanical claims already mentioned in various system of medicines and to evaluate the plant for its various biological potentials using in vivo experimental models. Before proceeding to the biological evaluation, plant was investigated for the pharmacognostic features in order to lay down diagnostic characters and standards which may serve for the identification and quality control measures for the plant. Along with this, plant was investigated for the presence of various phytochemicals and TLC profiling was done with standard procedures. The results will serve as ready references for further characterization and isolation of phytoconstituents.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Scholar's Press
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